[Latest June 2023] What is THCH and its illegality: An endless battle for survival! !


Is THCH actually “illegal or legal?”

Currently (May 2023), THC-H, one of the new cannabinoids, is legal to use.
THCH has a different chemical formula from THC and CBD, and is a psychoactive ingredient.

It is currently being sold in the United States, and each state is progressing in deregulation of cannabis. Most recently, at the end of March 2021, the use of recreational cannabis was legalized in New York State, which became a hot topic.
It's very interesting to get a glimpse of the world's THCH market by looking at articles and case studies about THCH from overseas!

It is very important to look not only at the legal aspects of Japan but also to the outside world and take in information sensitively.

THCH vs Law: The mystery of THCH still being unregulated

We often receive inquiries regarding whether there is a possibility of regulation regarding THCH in the future. Considering the background in which HHC and THCO have been regulated on a yearly basis, it is natural for consumers to be concerned.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the past and future of THC H while considering the regulatory background and the intentions of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Gavel and two thick books

HHC/THCO big boom!

Demand for psychoactive ingredients has been rapidly increasing in Japan since last year.
Around March 2022, sales of HHC began mainly on Twitter, and after that, the popular rapper Ricky also started selling it, and it spread explosively across Japan regardless of age or gender.

Until now, it is assumed that HHC, which has a similar experience to THC, has been exactly what everyone has been looking for.

However, less than half a year after the HHC boom, it was regulated in March 2022 last year. However, while everyone was sighing and saying, ``As expected...'', two weeks later, THCO, HHCO, etc. began to be distributed in Japan.

And while CBD is said to have a market size of around 10 billion to 20 billion, the market size of THCO, HHCO, etc. has expanded to the point where it is predicted to be in the tens of billions.

Why were only HHC and THCO regulated?

There are two main reasons why HHC and THCO were regulated.

① “It has strong psychoactive effects and is similar to THC.”
② “It is a chemically synthesized substance that does not originally exist in nature.”

These two are major factors.

1) The fact that it has strong psychoactive effects and is similar to THC is mentioned in the minutes of the designated drug subcommittee published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

[What is the designated drug committee...? ]

It is part of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council held by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and conducts investigations and deliberations regarding the designation of powerful drugs and pharmaceutical affairs.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, when HHC was administered to mice, the amount of activity decreased significantly, and it was recognized to have effects similar to THC. Therefore, it is thought that this was the main factor that led to the regulation.

②About “It is a chemically synthesized substance that does not originally exist in nature”

Many people may be surprised to hear this, but
HHC is a chemical compound created by adding a psychoactive compound to THC.
HHCO and THCO are also processed by adding acetic anhydride and sulfuric acid.

In the first place, it is considered a natural progression for the Designated Substances Committee, which has been regulating synthetic chemical substances, not just those related to cannabis, to regulate these ingredients.

When will THCH be regulated?

A researcher looking into a microscope

In conclusion, it is highly unlikely that THCH will be regulated.
This is because THCH is not a chemical compound, but a naturally occurring component that is present in cannabis at around 0.1%.

However, since the amount contained is so small, it is no exaggeration to say that most of the THCH on the market is a chemical compound. As such, as inferior products continue to appear in the market, it cannot be said that there is a possibility that they will be regulated.

It is also believed that full-spectrum CBD products on the market contain THCH in trace amounts that are imperceptible.

In that case, regulation would not be easy, as it would be necessary to label the product as THCH-free, and the rules for the entire market would need to be changed.
Even if it were to be regulated, it would be necessary to collect research data, so at least there would be no need to worry about recent THCH regulations.

What does the future hold for THCH?

In fact, in the early 2010s, synthetic cannabinoids were on the market as "synthetic cannabis" and "spice." These products are available online and in stores and are said to have effects similar to cannabis. There seem to be many stores in Tokyo alone, such as Shibuya and Shinjuku.

However, at that time, in order to evade regulations, dangerous chemical formula changes and new compounds were developed, manufactured, and sold.

Afterwards, all of these were comprehensively regulated.
To avoid such worst-case scenarios, it is important for users to purchase only reliable products and to follow the rules, usage, and capacity.

Wow, I was fooled! Pitfalls when using THCH

a person who is having trouble holding his head

Information is spreading that some THCH products are likely illegal. Especially with liquid-type products, there are no food labeling requirements, so some manufacturers can do whatever they want with them.

When THCO was being distributed in Japan, we investigated 10 vendors and found that 9 out of 10 products were falsely labeled as HHCO or CBD, even though they were advertised as THCO.

In addition, one vendor announced that THC was mixed into the raw materials for THCH.

Since there are actual cases like this, you never know when or how you might fall into a pitfall! ︎When purchasing, please purchase from a store that you can truly trust. It's obvious, but it's too late after something happens!! ︎

THCH elucidation: Impressions from actually using THCH

The experience of using THCH varies greatly depending on the individual user. Depending on your height, weight, and metabolic function, your experience and feeling of relief will vary considerably.

Here I will tell you what the manager thought when I tried it!

Munchie (feeling of hunger): ★★★☆☆

Feeling of elation: ★★★☆☆

Euphoria: ★★★★☆

Euphoria: ★★☆☆☆

Thoughts: ★★★☆☆

It feels like a well-balanced HYBRID overall.
In terms of situations where it's suitable, I think it's suitable for times when you want to get excited, such as at a club or a drinking party, or for relaxing at home and enjoying movies or music.

Let's talk about it along with some usage examples.

▼5 puffs
A feeling of elation that feels good. I feel tipsy. It is possible to act normally (there are individual differences), and I often smoke this much in the morning on days off when the weather is nice! Other sensations I had were that my mouth was dry and the munchies were just a feeling.
By the way, if you are even a little tired, you will relax immediately. lol

▼10 puffs
*Our store tells us that this amount is the appropriate amount. I definitely felt like I was going for it! It gives me a feeling of euphoria, and it also hits my eyes a little. Probably at the level of professional qualification. (I recommend sunglasses lol) As far as I can tell, the peak lasts about 3 hours. It's so much fun to chat and smoke when you smoke with your friends!
I think the appropriate amount is these 10 puffs!

▼20 puffs
This is where the word buchigimaru comes from! lol I really can't act properly. I don't recommend it if it's your first time. Since you can't make calm decisions, your ability to deal with problems will be reduced to zero.
I think this number of puffs is relatively easier to use in situations like CHILL at home! I imagine that most people become unable to move and feel like INDICA when they ingest something strong.

Is it stronger than THC? THCH vs THC

Weighing marijuana on a scale

Some users have reported that THCH has more powerful effects when compared to THC, but there is no scientific evidence yet. This is because research in this area is still in its infancy, and future research results are awaited.

It is often said that ``THCH is 25 times more potent than THC,'' but personally, I believe that both THCH and THC have the same strength, and THCH is the closest to THC. I felt the effect!! ︎

▼THCH vs THC: Difference in sensation
The body high effect that sharpens your skin's senses is just like THC! ︎
Other than that, you can definitely feel the euphoria effect with THC, and the indescribable happy and pleasant feeling that naturally makes the corners of your mouth turn up is very similar to that of THC! ︎

However, I think the problem with THCH is that it doesn't really increase your appetite (munchies), and if you smoke too much, you'll end up feeling groggy the next day.

Overall, THCH is very well-balanced, even after taking into account its shortcomings.

・If you smoke too much, you will feel lazy the next day.

・Relatively few munchies

Other than the above two points, it is no different from THC! ︎

How was it? Of course, the way you experience it will vary depending on your body shape, physical condition, and experience using it, so this is just my own experience, so please use it as a reference! ︎

In addition to the scientific basis, it is important to remember that the way you feel will vary greatly depending on your individual body shape, physical condition, and experience with using the product.

Risks you should know about THCH

THCH vs Job Quality: What to do when you are criticized for your job quality

Although the legal status of THCH is legal, there are some uncertainties, so we recommend that you refrain from using it in public places. If you are in possession of a THCH product at the time of your employment, it may be mistaken for a THC product.

[The safest measure] ↓↓↓

✔︎Purchase from trusted shops and sites

✔︎Presence or absence of COA (component inspection list) and sales certificate when purchasing

✔︎Availability of after-sales service

✔︎Adjust the settings properly

When purchasing, be sure to check the ✔︎ mark above and purchase from a trusted retailer! It's really scary not knowing what's mixed in! ︎

Will it be regulated soon? HHCP and THCPO

As research in the field of cannabinoids progresses, new compounds are being discovered one after another. Examples include HHCP (hexahydrocannabinol phenol) and THCPO (tetrahydrocannabinol peroxide). HHCP and THCPO are legal in Japan as of May 2023.

So why can HHCP and THCPO be regulated?

As mentioned at the top of the article, the origin of the regulation is similar to HHC and THCO.

① “It has strong psychoactive effects and is similar to THC.”
② “It is a chemically synthesized substance that does not originally exist in nature.”

As examples of similar ingredients being regulated have been confirmed, it is likely only a matter of time before HHCP and THCPO are regulated.

a leaf of cannabis plant

Summary: The never-ending battle between the law and THC-H

THCH is legal as of 2023, but do you understand that you need to be careful when using it? Users should thoroughly research reliable information before purchasing a product and keep up with the legal trends regarding cannabinoid products in Japan to avoid getting caught up in legal problems!

Enjoying the world of THCH and pursuing its possibilities will lead to expanding your future prospects.


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