[Latest May 2023] What is THCH? Thorough and easy-to-understand investigation of effects and efficacy


[ What is THCH?] ] Its amazing properties and effects

With the advent of a new cannabinoid, THCH, the Japanese cannabis market is becoming even more exciting, with THCH trending on Twitter!

THCH is attracting attention in the United States and Japan as a natural cannabinoid that is expected to have psychoactive effects.
However, many people still do not understand what this THCH is, its properties and effects.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into THCH and explain its amazing properties and effects.

Introduction to THCH: A new side of cannabinoids

Basic information on THCH: What is the difference from THC?

It is a new cannabinoid that was discovered by Italian researchers in 2020 and is the second most potent after THCP .
It is a compound extracted from the same cannabis plant as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). In other words, unlike THCO and HHCO, it is a component that is originally contained in trace amounts in cannabis itself. Since THCH has the word "THC" in its name, some people may be concerned that it will be treated the same as THC, THC-P, HHC, etc., which are illegal and regulated in Japan. , at this stage (as of May 2023), it is not subject to regulation (legal).

A woman growing cannabis

Is THCH XX times more powerful than THC?

THCH is said to be the second most potent cannabinoid after THC-P , and is said to be approximately 25 times more potent than regular THC.

Therefore, ``THCH'' can be fully effective at a concentration of 15% to 50%!
Some brands claim to have a concentration of 70% or more, but this is not recommended considering the risks involved. We have heard that some customers who have purchased such products from other companies have experienced headaches and bad symptoms.

Based on the above, 15% THCH is for beginners, and 25% or more of THCH is for intermediate to advanced users. I hope you have this image in mind.

◼︎ Benefits and potential effects of THCH

Is THCH really good for you?

THCH is expected to be used in the medical field and as a drug. Its strong binding ability has the potential to relieve symptoms such as pain, inflammation, and anxiety. Also, like other cannabinoids, THCH plays a role in maintaining balance in the body by acting on the endocannabinoid system. Overseas, there are many positive articles related to THCH, and even in the United States, THCH is attracting attention as a medical drug.

Planting cannabis leaves in soil

Is THCH an indica? Sativa? Thorough review

In conclusion, THCH is more of a hybrid than an indica.

The initial speed is fast and you can feel the sensation in about 10 minutes. It is characterized by a pleasant and intense body stone, focus, and a feeling of euphoria (happy). The peak time is 1 hour later, and I think the effect increases gradually. I think that's the difference from THC. One of the features is that the action is stable and it is difficult to get into the bat.

However, even if it is difficult to get into the bad, it is necessary to set it properly. Recommended for use at home! You can watch your favorite movies or enjoy your favorite music with headphones. Please enjoy it with the setting that suits you.

[Main effects and efficacy of THCH]

①: Relaxing effect

▶︎THCH has a euphoric effect compared to other cannabinoids and can feel heavy on the body. You can expect a relaxing effect that will make your body feel weak and your shoulders relaxed, similar to when you take a bath in a hot spring. Recommended for those who want to feel a relaxing effect before sleeping, when they are nervous, or because of anxiety or stress!!

②: Euphoria

▶︎Euphory generally refers to a very strong feeling of happiness or satisfaction. I can feel a strong sense of happiness. Basically, euphoria is something you feel strongly when you hug someone you love or care about, and it has the effect of elevating your mood and reducing stress.

③:Analgesic effect

▶︎THCH has been shown to act on the nervous system and suppress the transmission of nerve signals that cause pain. This is thought to reduce inflammation and chronic pain such as neuralgia, joint pain, and muscle pain. Overseas, there are many cases where cannabis is prescribed to chronic pain patients, and it is attracting attention as a medical cannabis.

④: Improves sleep quality

▶︎Overseas research has also confirmed that it has the effect of prolonging non-REM sleep. Cannabinoids are sometimes prescribed to insomnia patients overseas, and THCH is closer to indica, so it is perfect for people who can't sleep even if they want to at night, or who want to improve the quality of their sleep.

◼︎ Legality and safety of THCH

・Legal aspects of THCH: regulatory status by country and region

The legality of THCH varies by country and region. In some countries, THCH may be regulated. On the other hand, THC-H may be legal in some countries and regions due to its properties. When using THCH overseas, it is very important to check the laws of the area you are traveling to and residing in.

Also, even if you are traveling or moving to a country where it is legal, it is not recommended to bring it on a plane as it can easily be confused with THC liquid.

People sharing rolled cigarettes

・THCH use and safety: health effects and precautions

The use of THCH is generally considered safe. However, due to its strong effects, first-time users are advised to carefully adjust the dosage. It is important to talk with your doctor, especially if you are taking other drugs or are pregnant.

Additionally, the Japanese cannabinoid market is plagued by the sale of low-quality and counterfeit products that contain legal THCH. These can often be purchased at low prices on SNS or online shops, but they may have the following disadvantages.

  1. You don't know what ingredients are in it : Some SNS online shops contain less THCH than the ingredients listed, or even none at all. It may also be contaminated with other harmful chemicals or impurities.
  2. Lack of sensation : Products whose purity and quality are not guaranteed may not provide the desired sensation or effect. Additionally, if it contains impurities, there is a risk of side effects.
  3. Risky : For example, it may contain high concentrations of THC, which could land users in legal trouble.
  4. Availability of after-sales service for consumers : Purchasing products from unreliable sources makes it difficult to return or exchange products and receive appropriate after-sales service.

To avoid these risks , it is important to purchase products from trusted brands, sources, and sites. It's also important to make sure the product has been tested by a third-party lab and check the ingredients and content listed on the label.

◼︎ THCH usage and purchase guide

・How to take THCH: What is the best choice?

THCH is available and sold in many different forms. You can choose oils, capsules, food additions, etc. to suit your lifestyle and preferences . Generally, the time it takes to feel the effects varies depending on how you take it.

for example,

With inhalation products (VAPE, etc.), you can feel the effects almost immediately and the effects last for about 4 hours. On the other hand, edibles such as cookies and gummies pass through the digestive system, so it may take several hours (1 to 1.5 hours) for the effects to appear, but they last for about 8 to 12 hours at most. .

THCH product purchasing guide: How to choose reliable brands and products

When purchasing THC-H products, it is important to check the quality and safety of the product. Buy from brands you trust and make sure the product is tested in a third-party lab. It's also important to read the product label and check the THCH content and other ingredients.

◼︎ The future of THCH: the possibility of new cannabinoids opening up

A person holds a cannabis plant up to the sunset

THCH is gaining attention in the cannabis market due to its powerful effects and various possibilities. It has become very important to understand these substances thoroughly and learn how they affect our lives and society. Not only producers but also consumers should carefully research the necessary knowledge and understand the effects of THCH on their precious bodies, not just because it is legal or because it is illegal. It is very important to check whether the ingredients are properly labeled before purchasing.

The future of this new cannabinoid, THCH, is bright and the possibilities are endless.

The above is basic information about THCH, its properties, effects, benefits, safety, usage, and purchasing guide. We hope this article will help you understand more about THCH, a new cannabinoid, and help you choose the right product.